
Take you to Chengdu

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As the old saying goes, "Look at the peaks in the southwest, and the forests and valleys are beautiful". Qingcheng Mountain is such a place. The mountains rise and fall continuously, and the trees on them are luxuriant. Just arrived at the mountain pass, a majestic door stood in front of the tourists, like a general closing the customs, guarding the mountain crossing. Behind him is a majestic mountain, towering like clouds, and all kinds of trees that need to be hugged stand on the mountain to watch the tourists coming and going.

The white clouds on the mountain sway with the wind, and the green water below the mountain ripples slightly. The blue sky is reflected on the water, and the birds in the sky seem to travel in the water. A small boat rowed across the water and broke the water. The birds seemed to be disturbed and disappeared. The boats parading on the lake are almost indistinguishable from floating in the sky or floating on the water.

The second place is the former residence of the famous poet Du Fu who once sighed that "it is enough for me to die in the cold alone". Du Fu Thatched Cottage is not so shabby after people's decoration and maintenance, but you can still feel a heavy sense of history here. Close your eyes, as if you could feel Du Fu in the Thatched Cottage, reciting moving verses.

One side of the cottage is quietly in the bamboo forest, like a respected old man, or a hermit monk who is well aware of the world's major events, so quietly living in the bamboo forest. A clear lake quietly accompanies the cottage. They are so quiet here, depositing the history of generations.

Next, I have to talk about Jinli. This place is like a good place for people to relax. Here, you can enjoy the antique residential buildings, taste a pot of tea, watch a opera, and eat a bowl of cooked noodles. In the lanes where people come and go, the smell of various foods is intoxicating. In the crowd, you may meet a person who makes you excited. Maybe a fate is connected in this way.

Red lanterns are hung high on the eaves on both sides of the street. The tables and chairs on both sides are neatly arranged for people to sit down and chat. The narrow alley gives people a very spacious feeling. It would be an unforgettable thing in life if we could sit here with some friends who can talk with us, drink tea, watch people coming and going, and listen to each other's eloquence.

At this point, we have to mention our national treasure panda. If you came to Chengdu but did not visit the Panda Base, you should not say that you have been to Chengdu. In the Panda Base, you can see them playing and playing, sleeping in the pavilion lazily, or hanging on high figures, struggling with hard bamboos. People will like them at a glance.

If one day you come to Chengdu, you really want to go to the above places. After you have been there, you will sincerely sigh that your trip is worthwhile. "Take a walk with me in the streets of Chengdu". Please meet your friends and come to Chengdu for a walk. Chengdu, a city with a strong historical atmosphere and a city known as the capital of heaven, why not come here together to experience the cultural customs.

Love yourself 2024-04-21 11:24:57
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