
Recommended hairstyle: 6 popular short hair styles, which one do you like best?

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Short hair has become one of the most popular hairstyles. What kind of short hair is fashionable, beautiful and small? The latest popular short hair style is recommended. Which of the six looks is your dish?

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Casual and handsome ear length short hair, with mushroom head cut showing a little ear, is a fresh, playful and energetic short hair.

Fashionable lob hair style, shoulder length lob head and air curly intellectual generous, increase the mature and charming feeling.

Short bangs and bobo heads. The regular bobo heads and short bangs become cute instantly, changing into a girl's line every second.

The short and medium curly hair style, with curly hair and fringe hair, is sweet and fresh, so it is well tied on holiday!

The combination of French microwave head, micro curl wave and Bob head makes you change your temperament in seconds, lady, and a little lazy.

A mid length short hair, the hair end is made into an egg roll, and the lovely feeling is doubled. The curly hair end adds a dull cyan hair color, which is lively without losing the sense of coldness and beauty.

Unwilling to degenerate 2024-05-13 22:28:58
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