
How to match high boots

Persimmon blossoms
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Operation method

First of all, do not make mistakes in color matching, that is to say, shoes and coats should be in the same color. If your shoes are velvet, the best coat is also this color.

If the girls have long legs, they can try to wear a pair of blue jeans shorts and a pair of knee high boots. In this way, you will turn around 100% on the road.

When the weather is cold in winter, we can wear a short down jacket on the upper body, tight jeans on the lower body, and a pair of knee high boots.

At the beginning of autumn, we can pair it with skirt and knee boots. If the weather is cold, put on a coat on your upper body, and you will have the instant feeling of Her Royal Highness.

Persimmon blossoms 2024-05-06 10:03:59
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Q: Why do people have two spins on their heads

Answer: It's not fatal to fight with one twister, two twisters and three twisters. It's said that one can judge a person's character by twister. Some people not only have curls on their hair, but also on their eyebrows. In fact, the reason why the hair is rotated is that it can effectively use the space of the scalp and maintain the uniform density during the growth of the hair. The position of rotation is the growth center of human hair in embryonic stage. Usually more people have only one growth center, which is why most people have only one rotation. Some people have more than one growth center on their head, and their hair may grow from multiple centers, so there is more than one spin. The position of rotation is different because the position of the first hair on the head during the embryonic period is different. Others say that the curl on the hair is caused by genetic genes, which belongs to a natural growth law and has nothing to do with personality.

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