
Stewed Pork with Pickled Cabbage, Northeast Home Style

A smart smile
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The traditional northeast pickled cabbage must stew pork belly. The pickled cabbage absorbs the fat of pork belly, which just integrates the sour taste of pickled cabbage. After slow stewing, the pork belly is not fat, and it is a classic northeast cuisine.

Operation method

Prepare ingredients: shred sauerkraut, soak in water, remove water and twist into a ball;

Preparation of ingredients: sliced pork, and can be boiled on the pot, color change and oil can be;

Stew: It is better to put water into the soup, and stew pork and pickled cabbage together;

Put seasoning: put soy sauce, thirteen spices, because the pickles themselves are salty, so there is no need to put salt;

Dishes and pans: pat the garlic and cut it into mud. Braised pork with pickles. It tastes great with garlic sauce.

A smart smile 2024-05-15 04:11:46
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