
What are the 8 most difficult records in the NBA?

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So far, Westbrook has achieved the great data of three doubles per game for two consecutive seasons, which reflects the comprehensiveness and stability of a player. Undoubtedly, Westbrook is a great basketball player.

Thompson's shooting percentage can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai. His 37 points in a single quarter is also a great record. If the coach had not replaced him, he might have broken the record of getting 100 points in a single game held by Chamberlain.

Jordan, known as the god of basketball, is undoubtedly a great basketball player. His ten times scoring king has left many people behind. Even Kobe, known as the nearest to the god, has only had two scoring kings.

So far, this year's NBA regular season has ended. This season, only James played the whole season in the NBA, and he was not absent from any game. Even if James played the whole season, he only played 82 regular seasons. There was one person in NBA history who played 88 regular seasons. He was Walter Bellamy. He was first traded to the Pistons after the Knicks played 35 games. At that time, the Pistons played 29 games. Later in the regular season, he played 88 games, This record can be said to be unprecedented.

McGrady, the idol of many people, is his symbol of 35 seconds and 13 minutes. McGrady just started his performance at the end of the game. His 35.13 minutes at the end of the game brought victory to the team and shocked the world. This record is also very difficult to break.

Celtic's eight consecutive championships are like a myth. It can be imagined how difficult it is to win eight consecutive championships. It is not easy for a team to win a championship once, not to mention eight consecutive years. This record can be said to be the record that no team can break.

Chamberlain has 100 points in a single game. What is the concept of slashing 100 points in a single game? Most of the scores of a team come from Chamberlain. So far, the closest to this record is Kobe's 81 points in a single game, which can be said to be a record that no one can break.

Bill Russell's 11 championships, 11 championship rings, many great players, poor life has never won a championship, a championship ring, like McGrady, Yao Ming. But Bill Russell has won eleven championships, which is undoubtedly a record harder to break than the sky.

happy is he who is content 2024-04-18 14:08:27
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