
How to make Shandong miscellaneous grain pancakes, and how to make Shandong Master He pancakes and fruit

Happy Home
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Operation method

First, prepare two eggs, flour and water. Put the flour into a basin and add water. Then beat two eggs and mix them evenly. Then add a little salt and white pepper, and continue to mix.

Pour the batter into a proper amount of electric baking pan, then spread the batter with bamboo dragonfly, and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Beat another egg in, beat the egg with bamboo dragonfly and evenly smear it on the batter.

Turn the pancake upside down, brush a layer of hot sauce, add some favorite foods such as sausage, fried dough sticks, scallions, etc., and then wrap them.

Happy Home 2024-05-12 19:44:44
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