
How to improve dark circles?

I am a cloud
Favorable reply

In class and studying, I stayed up late, and finally formed a black eye circle, which has been with me for several years. Students often ask me how to make my eyes like this. When students ask me here, I am very upset. Yes, the black eye circle has been with me for so long, and it is really a headache.

Operation method

1、 Sleep well, especially for women. It is very important to ensure the quality of sleep for more than 8 hours every day. You should go to bed before 10 o'clock at night. You should try not to sleep late in the morning, and you should have a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. It is very helpful for your eyes to form a good habit of sleeping.

2、 After peeling the boiled eggs, wrap the towel around the face, close your eyes and massage around. This can speed up blood circulation and remember that the eggs can't be eaten any more. Regular massage around the eyes also has a great effect on the treatment of dark circles, and speeds up blood circulation.

3、 You can also use fresh potatoes, that is, cut the potatoes thinly and stick them on your face for about 20 minutes, at least three times a week. You can stick to it for a long time, and don't give up halfway. You can also use apple slices. These two methods are very effective. Many friends around you use these two methods.

I am a cloud 2024-05-16 03:55:41
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