
How to add friends to Dota2

A genial wind
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Operation method

With the continuous improvement of DOTA2, the function of DOTA2 to add friends has begun to improve. So, how does Dota2 add friends? See how to add friends in Dota2:

First, enter DOTA2. Click the small "+" sign behind DOTA2 friend box

Click the small "+" sign behind the DOTA2 friend box, and a friend search box will pop up. Fill in the digital ID here to search for friends and add friends. Ask the friends you want to add to click the small "+" sign behind the DOTA2 friend box to view their digital IDs

After searching the digital ID of the friend you want to add, his DOTA2 profile will appear. You need to click "Add Friend", and then the friend you want to add will receive a friend addition request, and can be added as a friend if the other party agrees

Of course, there are other ways to add DOTA2:

DOTA2 Game Scoreboard Add Friends

DOTA2 Add friends in the same chat room

DOTA2 Add friends when speaking in the same chat room

To add friends to the DOTA2 game, first click the game information button in the upper left corner, click the name of the friend you want to add, view the DOTA data, view the DOTA data, and then add friends to the DOTA data

A genial wind 2024-05-15 10:39:46
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