
Several simple combinations of baby complementary foods

Smile to the world
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After adding complementary food, the baby needs diversified nutrition. However, it takes time to make complementary foods, and sometimes I have to rush to work after finishing these tasks, so I have explored several ways to quickly match complementary foods for my baby in long-term practice. Although some of them are semi-finished products, they can be used when time is tight for Baoma's reference.

Operation method

Breakfast can be matched like this: steamed bread+green vegetables+yogurt+egg yolk, steamed bread and green vegetables should be made into small pieces and pieces, yogurt should be heated to a warm degree, green vegetables can be boiled with appropriate salt, or fried with a small amount of oil.

For breakfast, you can also boil dough on vegetable leaves and puree, or add tomatoes. You can either eat eggs directly or eat egg yolks alone.

Chinese food can be matched like this: boiled noodles+vegetables+diced meat (or mashed meat)

Chinese food can also make thick rice porridge+vegetables+tomatoes+diced meat for your baby

In the afternoon, add a fruit meal. You can eat apples, bananas, etc., and gently scrape off the mud with a spoon to feed the baby

Dinner: rice flour paste+fruit paste+proper amount of steamed bread

hot tip

Increase or decrease according to the baby's appetite

Smile to the world 2024-05-13 17:46:33
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