
Is it normal that mac lipstick has a layer of white cream

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In some cases, MAC lipstick may appear a layer of hoarfrost, which is normal. This kind of hoarfrost is usually caused by the reaction of the ingredients in lipstick when contacting with air. This reaction is often referred to as "oxidation" and can lead to changes in the color and texture of lipstick.

Although this white cream will not affect the effect of lipstick, it may affect the appearance of lipstick. If you want to avoid this phenomenon, you can take the following measures:

1. Avoid exposure to sunlight or high temperature when storing lipstick. Store lipstick in a cool, dry and ventilated place to avoid contact with air.

2. Before using lipstick, put it in the refrigerator to cool for a period of time, which can slow down the oxidation rate of lipstick.

3. Clean lipstick regularly to avoid pollution or bacteria breeding.

In short, it is normal for MAC lipstick to have a layer of hoarfrost, but if you want to avoid this situation, you can take the above measures.

Open-minded 2024-04-15 20:22:57
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