
Do you use boiled preserved eggs

Happy Home
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Preserved egg is a traditional Chinese food, usually made from duck eggs or eggs after special treatment. The appearance of preserved egg is black or dark green, with a thin gray shell, and the inside is dark brown egg yolk and transparent protein.

Preserved eggs are already cooked, so they do not need to be cooked again. If you want to eat preserved eggs, just peel them and remove their skins. Preserved eggs have a unique taste and taste, with a certain sour and salty taste, and can be eaten directly or used as ingredients in various dishes.

It should be noted that preserved eggs, although nutritious, also contain high cholesterol and sodium. Therefore, it is recommended to eat moderately and not excessively. In addition, if the preserved eggs you purchased have expired or are improperly stored, they may deteriorate, leading to unsafe consumption. Therefore, we must pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions when purchasing preserved eggs.

Happy Home 2024-04-15 08:08:22
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