
Homemade sweet and sour sirloin

Silent Bear
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Operation method

Prepare a fillet and clean it.

Cut into strips and set aside.

Add soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, salt and pepper, and mix well.

Pour in the flour, add some water, and stir into batter.

Deep fry the golden crisp meat in the frying pan, set aside.

Pour rock sugar into the pan and stir fry it into syrup.

Pour in the pastry, stir well, and add some soy sauce.

Serve after presenting~

Silent Bear 2024-05-05 21:07:02
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Q: What kind of books should I read to get the primary accounting certificate

Answer: There are two textbooks for the primary professional title examination of accounting, which are unified nationwide: 1. Primary Accounting Practice, China Financial and Economic Publishing House; 2. Fundamentals of Economic Law, Economic Science Press. Review strategies for junior professional titles: (1) The outline is the key. Many people think that the content of the textbook is large and covers a large area. However, there is one principle: there is a range of examinations, which is the outline. As the saying goes, "It's better to go through the outline by hand than by looking at it a thousand times". Write down every knowledge point in the outline, and then read the book. Every time you read the book, you should read with questions, and take notes for those who feel doubtful, so as to solve the problems completely. (2) The learning time is to ensure that most of the applicants have their own lives and jobs, and learning is really laborious. This requires a good plan. You must ensure enough time to study every day, preferably a relatively complete period of time. Before learning, you can draw up a learning plan. If you study according to the plan, it will not be so messy, and it is more conducive to mastering knowledge. You can also participate in long-distance online tutoring, so that the teacher can lead you to study. (3) The combination of teaching materials and test questions in the review, reading is the basis, is the fundamental, but appropriate questions can deepen understanding, consolidate memory, and can make a lot of vaguely understood, ambiguous things specific, organized, and through the question, sometimes there is a feeling of sudden enlightenment, as if suddenly understand what is in the book, How to use it? You can also be familiar with the type of questions and the perspective of investigation when doing exercises. You can know well in future reading. You can grasp various knowledge points pertinently. After listening to a chapter of courseware, you can immediately do the corresponding test questions. Through these exercises, you can consolidate fresh memory and make up for your own shortcomings. After reading a book, do some comprehensive questions, which will help to connect the previous knowledge and distinguish the areas that are easy to confuse. You can also do some simulation questions or previous questions before the exam to check your overall grasp. If you have time, you should browse the mistakes in the questions you have done before, because you often can't grasp the mistakes. Finally, it will be helpful to strengthen the exam.

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