
Can I take high-speed rail with hair removal spray

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According to Chinese railway regulations, it is forbidden to carry dangerous goods such as inflammable and explosive goods, toxic and harmful goods, and controlled knives. Hair removal spray is usually one of the flammable and explosive articles, so high-speed railway can not be taken with you in general.

However, if the hair removal spray meets the following conditions, it can be carried on the high-speed railway:

1. The capacity shall not exceed 120ml, and each person shall only carry one bottle; 2. The spray bottle must be metal or plastic products, not glass products; 3. It must be placed in the trunk or hand luggage, not on the body or in the pocket.

In addition, in order to ensure safety, it is recommended to understand relevant regulations before carrying hair removal spray, and comply with railway safety regulations to avoid unnecessary trouble.

More sensible than before 2024-04-17 13:56:49
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Q: Where are the four famous mountains in China?

A: The four famous mountains in China refer to Lushan Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Huangshan Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain. 1. Lushan Lushan is located in Lushan City, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. It nestles in Wuyuan and Poyang Lake to the east, Tengwang Pavilion to the south, Beijing Kowloon Railway to the west, and the surging Yangtze River to the north. It is a horst type fault block mountain. The whole mountain is 29 kilometers long from north to south, 16 kilometers wide from east to west, and covers an area of 302 square kilometers. 2. Longhu Mountain Longhu Mountain is located 20 kilometers southwest of Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. Longhu Mountain and Guifeng Mountain contain important morphological types of Danxia individual and group in the subtropical humid area of China. The diversity of morphological types creates the unique combination of Danxia peak forest landform and pictographic Danxia landscape. 3. Huangshan Huangshan is located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province. Huangshan is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, with high mountains and deep valleys. The climate changes vertically. Local topography plays a leading role in the climate. There are many clouds, high humidity, and much precipitation, forming a special mountain monsoon climate. There is no hot summer, and less cold winter. 4. Jiuhua Mountain Jiuhua Mountain is located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province. Jiuhua Mountain is one of the three mountain systems in the south of Anhui Province, tectonically located in the middle of the lower Yangtze platform depression of the Yangtze paraplatform. Fold and fault structures are well developed in Jiuhua Mountain area, and magmatic activities are also frequent.

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