
How to identify platinum

I always believe
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Operation method

When purchasing, you can check the chemical composition stamp on the jewelry. All tags with the beginning of "pt" are platinum jewelry.

In terms of color, platinum is tin white, that is, white with gray, bright luster.

The density of platinum is relatively large. With the same volume, platinum is heavier than gold and silver.

Put platinum powder into hydrogen peroxide water, and platinum will act as a catalyst to make hydrogen peroxide release a lot of oxygen and generate bubbles.

Spray platinum with a welding gun. The platinum will not melt and its color will not change after cooling.

I always believe 2024-05-03 15:03:10
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Q: How to choose weather for fishing

A: There are four seasons and weather changes on the earth. In order to survive, creatures will adjust their actions according to the changes of the seasons and weather. Fish is no exception. The temperature is "spring fishing beach", everything recovers in spring, the earth warms up, and plants begin to grow vigorously again after winter. At this time, there is plenty of food near the shore where there is grass, and many fish will come to look for food. If you hook in these places, you will generally have good harvest. "Summer Fishing Pond". In summer, the temperature is generally high, and the shallow water is hot by the sun. The fish can't stay in the shallow water, so they should fish in the deep pool. "Fishing in the shade in autumn". There is an autumn tiger in autumn, and the temperature may not have dropped. At this time, you should look for a place with shade to hook. "Fishing in the sun in winter", the temperature is low in winter, so the fish also need to find a warm and comfortable place to stay, and find a warm place to hook in the sun. If it is cloudy, it may be necessary to fish deep and far. If the sun is sufficient and the shallow water is soaked, it is likely that some fish will come to the shallow water. In winter, the activity of fish is low, and they may stay in a place without much activity. Therefore, it is also suitable for traditional walking fishing, commonly known as "looking for fish by eating". The temperature in each season is not necessarily stable, and there will be differences in different regions. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the fishing temperature is generally between 18-28 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is not more than 10 degrees. The fishing effect is best when the weather is relatively stable for several consecutive days. When fishing in this temperature, people are comfortable, neither too cold nor too hot. In addition to the temperature, fish are also very sensitive to the dissolved oxygen in the water. The light rain and breeze will help to increase the dissolved oxygen in the water, so the fish will be more active at this time. If the weather is hot in the afternoon, and a moderate rain falls, the temperature becomes more comfortable, and the dissolved oxygen in the water increases, then fishing is likely to quickly hit the fish, or even hit the mouth. The choice of fishing position (food and safety) is also that it is best to find the place where the depth meets the shallow (usually the place at the top of the moldboard), where the grass is always looking for water, where the grass is always looking for water. It is easy to hide fish where there are rocks and obstacles underwater, but it is necessary to find a place where the hook is not so hanging. The common feature of these places is that they are safe, hidden and have a lot of food. Choosing these fishing positions to lower the hook is a general principle no matter what season and weather.

What domain name is. io 2019-12-12

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