
How to buy a renaming card for a new lol client

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Operation method

The first step is to enter the new version of the lol client and click the mall button in the upper right corner.

After entering the mall, you can't find the renaming card in the front props bag. Instead, click the account in the right most round icon called account.

After you click to enter, you will find the renamed card. You can change the name after you recharge the coupon and purchase it.

However, many partners now complain that they can't find a name change card in their accounts at all. No, there is no name change card. They don't need to worry about it. It's just that recently the official will rectify the names that violate the regulations, so they are temporarily off the shelves. After the rectification, they will re-enter the mall. We will wait and see.

In fact, you can also go to the lol props store to buy, not necessarily in the new version of the client. It is easy to search in the props store, and the payment methods are more diversified and convenient. Just log in to your account, select a region, and change it.

Of course, there is also a chance that your name is in violation of the official rules. At that time, the official will give you a chance to change your name. You should think about your summoner's name at that time. It is estimated that the next time you break the rules, you will be directly blocked.

make progress every day 2024-05-24 00:04:27
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