
Methods of nipple reduction surgery

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Having a perfect chest can make female friends feel extremely proud. Due to the influence of their breast feeding ability, they can not be satisfied with their breasts. They can improve their breasts by reducing their nipples through half side excision.

The method of nipple reduction surgery: nipple reduction surgery consists of half side excision and triangular flap excision. These two methods are very common, safe and beautiful.
The advantages of nipple reduction surgery are nipple reduction surgery, which is precisely tailored. No matter what diameter and length of nipple you specify, it can be done through surgery.
Nursing after nipple reduction surgery to avoid sexual life. Take more vitamin E, and deal with the exudates in time. Massage the breast regularly one week after the operation.
People with diabetes and hypertension who are contraindicated to nipple reduction should be operated after listening to the doctor's advice. Those with infectious diseases and body inflammation should not be operated, and those with menstruation and pregnancy should not be operated.

Whatever I want 2024-05-19 13:04:01
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