
Secret Room Escape 13 Secret Task Catcher 8

The breeze is blowing
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Operation method

Take the parachute on the wall and the medical kit on the stool.

Get scissors and keys in the medical kit.

Open the cab door with the key.

Open the middle cover.

Cut the tape with scissors.

Click on the aircraft dashboard.

Move all the knobs upward and pull the switch on the right.

Click the cabin door and input 40-70-90-30 in sequence.

Put the parachute and cloth belt together.

Click skydiving to escape the plane.

The breeze is blowing 2024-05-11 04:37:05
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Q: Can you eat agaric that has been put for several years

A: The storage time of agaric is generally about 2 to 3 years, but it depends on how you store it. For dry agaric, it is usually kept in a cool place to prevent moisture for only two or three years. There is no problem. But if it is not in such a place, it is easy to grow hair or get damp on it, and it is also easy to cause insects, then this kind of agaric is definitely not edible,

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