
How to simply and effectively eliminate aphids on potted flowers

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Operation method

Go to the agricultural materials store to buy acetamiprid and imidacloprid, add 10g of medicine to 7-10kg of water, and spray on the insect gathering place with a small pot. This kind of medicine is specifically targeted at pests and harmless to plants

You can light the mosquito repellent incense commonly used at home, hang it on the plant, and then wrap the whole plant with plastic bags. After about 10 minutes, you can eliminate aphids

It can also be diluted to 800 times liquid with essential balm, which can not only kill aphids, but also repel mosquitoes.

You can also use about four leftover cigarette ends, add 250g of water, soak them for 24 hours, take the clear liquid on them, and spray them on plants to effectively remove aphids

You said I always think too much 2024-05-05 22:52:10
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