
Winter honey or spring honey

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Winter honey or spring honey

Winter honey is taken from winter honey, and spring honey is taken from spring honey. Compare winter honey with spring honey. If both are true honey, of course, winter honey is better than spring honey. First, winter honey has less water content. Second, compared with spring honey, winter honey has a higher maturity than spring honey. Spring honey bees have heavy water content, and the pollen is not completely honey. This kind of spring honey is very easy to deteriorate when mixed together.

Function of winter honey

① Moisturize intestines and relieve constipation. For the prevention and treatment of constipation. Bees with flowers are the best. ② Moisturize the lung and stop coughing. For cough caused by lung deficiency, honey is effective. ③ Detoxify, heal sores, and relieve pain. Applying honey directly on the skin or wound can diminish inflammation, relieve pain, stop bleeding, reduce edema and promote wound healing. Eating can relieve food poisoning, treat gastrointestinal ulcer and abdominal pain. If you drink too much, drink a tablespoon of honey before going to bed to relieve your headache. ④ The public will benefit the spirit. It is used for the auxiliary treatment, recovery and health care of the elderly of the weak and sickly people (especially those with weak spleen and stomach). ⑤ Harmonize various medicines and improve their properties. Honey is mild in nature and sweet (sweet) in taste. It is often used as a medicinal guide.

Honey purchase suggestions

It is suggested that those who like honey should pay more attention to the season of honey production rather than the price of honey when buying honey. The premise of good honey is that the honey must be real, and then consider the season in which the honey is produced. Many friends are not particularly familiar with the identification of honey. You can pay more attention to the Baiwei Encyclopedia on the official website of Xuanming Wild Honey. There are many tips about honey identification.

breeze 2024-05-22 12:59:13
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