
Correct use of automatic start and stop

Listen to flowers under the moon
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At first glance, the function of "automatic start stop" seems to be quite high. In fact, many cars with a price of about 100000 yuan are equipped with this function. Moreover, this function is not only available in recent years, but has been developed since the 1930s. It used to be available in high-end cars, and now it has begun to be popular in our family cars.

Operation method

It is mainly used not at high speed, but at low speed and when the car stops repeatedly. It can help us automatically shut down the engine, avoid unnecessary fuel consumption, and also reduce the idle time of our car. Less idle time will reduce the carbon deposition in the engine, so it is developed based on these reasons.

Most of the automatic start stop functions we have now are automatic stop. Generally, cars are equipped with this function. As long as the car starts, the automatic start stop system will be in a normal state. When you stop at a traffic light or for other reasons, step on the brake. Generally, the engine will automatically shut down after two seconds. Then, if you want to go, release the brake and step on the accelerator, Or when the steering wheel is slightly turned, the engine will start again.

In addition, some manual cars are equipped with an automatic start stop system. When we park, we put the car in neutral, then pull the hand brake, release the clutch. After the system recognizes these three actions, it will automatically shut down the engine. When the clutch is pressed again, the engine will start automatically.

However, some of our guests may think that there are too many stop and go situations when we drive. Although the automatic start and stop system is controlled by computer, will it have an impact on the repeated start and stop of the engine and the life of the engine? Could the engine be laid off in advance before my car is scrapped?

It would have been normal to worry about this problem 10 years ago. However, with the development of automobile technology, the number of times of engine start stop life has changed exponentially. The number of times of life of engines and start stop systems with start stop configuration can reach hundreds of thousands, basically the same life as our cars. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this aspect.

In addition, since our start stop function only stops the engine, the oil system does not stop. That is, although the engine does not rotate, the oil will still flow inside the engine, so that when the car starts again, better lubrication can be provided in advance, and the engine can be protected.

Therefore, based on these two reasons, we can now use the start stop system with complete confidence. It really doesn't need to be used. Every time we start, we turn off the start stop system. However, it does not mean that the automatic start stop must be started under any circumstances. In these cases, it is suggested that everyone must turn off. First, if we stop and go on the congested road in the city, especially during the rush hour, the car stops and stops every time. Every time we stop, it will start again after a few seconds. This kind of repeated start stop in a short period of time, it is recommended that everyone should turn off. In addition, if the start stop system works, the engine shuts down, and the brake is released again, the car will slip away before the engine. The engine does not start, and the brake power is insufficient. It is very difficult to stop the car, which is very dangerous. However, the design of some of our cars is more user-friendly. We will do a "ramp monitoring" function in the automatic start stop system. When the gradient of the uphill and downhill is detected to be more than 10%, the automatic start stop function will not start, so as to better protect the safety on the ramp. Also, it is better not to start the automatic start stop when you turn on the air conditioner. Because after the engine is turned off, the refrigeration compressor of our air conditioner will not work, but the automatic start stop system will detect and compare the temperature value set by you when you turn on the air conditioner with the space in the car. Once the temperature difference is too large, it will start the engine again, which will cause the engine to start and stop repeatedly, which will also affect our ride comfort. Also, when we reverse the car into the garage, we also need to turn off the start stop. Think about how we reverse the car. We always have to stop braking and find the location. If we park the car, the engine will have to extinguish the fire 7 or 8 times. Is it too disturbing?

Listen to flowers under the moon 2024-05-24 19:51:34
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