
Six simple methods to identify honey

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With the continuous improvement of living standards, more and more people pay attention to health preservation. Among them, many people (especially female friends) like to drink a cup of honey water when they get up in the morning, which not only helps to clean up the intestines and stomach, defecate, but also can beautify. Honey is rich in nutrition, and it is indispensable for health preservation. But honey on the market is a mixture of good and bad. I will teach you some simple methods to identify true and false honey. I hope it will help you.

Operation method

Open the honey, use a chopstick to pick up the honey. The honey does not stop flowing, and the honey with elongated silk is the best honey.

Prepare a piece of white paper and drop honey on it for observation. The more the honey oozes, the more sucrose water will be added to the impure honey.

Smell with your nose. Real honey has a faint smell of plants and flowers, without pungent odor and candy taste.

Make a cup of honey to taste. Real honey is sweet and delicious, with a slight sour taste.

Put a red hot wire into the honey. If it doesn't smoke, it will blister. The wire is smooth, which means it is real honey.

Melt honey in hot water and leave for about three hours. If there is no sediment, it is true honey.

hot tip

People with cold constitution should not drink honey water!

Calm 2024-05-17 13:04:55
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