
Five hairstyles exude femininity

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"Cougar" is not synonymous with old age. In fact, after years of baptism and experience, mature women have a unique charm that young women cannot match. If you can have a suitable hairstyle, you will be able to fully spread the charm hidden in your bones!


No. 1 Angel's charming hairstyle interpretation: gorgeous pure perm, plus fainting golden brown, makes ordinary hair look beautiful. The plump curl is as airy as an angel's feather, light and beautiful. The length of the eyebrows at the bangs and the slightly curled radian make it look full of charm. Comments: The whole hairstyle exudes a gentle and elegant femininity (femininity blog, femininity talk about it). With your exquisite life state and perfect facial impression, it is as touching as an angel. Charming, however, can be seen everywhere. Key words: pure perm+golden brown femininity: ★★★★★

NO.2 Interpretation of sexy hair style of castle beauty: short hair with personality and luxury, full of aristocratic demeanor. The thick bangs correspond to the carefully painted eyeliner, which is to balance the noble lady's high bearing with the spirit feeling. The flat curled perm and wine red hair color express the gentleness and solemnity of living in a luxurious castle. The proper neck length is to sexy show a woman's elegant and slender neck. Editor's comments: I can't help thinking of Angel Loves Beauty, which is full of personality but beautiful and compelling. I can't look at her for a long time for fear of scaring such a beautiful woman, but I can't help turning around to look at her. After all, it's rare to meet such a castle beauty. Key words: flat curly short hair+thick bangs femininity: ★★★★☆

No. 3 Cool and full of femininity hairstyle annotation: irregular short hair with middle parting, emphasizing straight hair with curved lines and reddish brown hair color, this hairstyle is fresh and handsome, but it awakens the femininity hidden in the bones. In the season of curly hair, it is fresh and cool. However, the temples tightly wrapped around the small face clearly show the unique charm of women. Small comments: femininity is not only in the words of gentle, virtuous and sexy. If this is a normal situation, then we might as well use another "heretical" idea to interpret our unique femininity, with a special attitude! Key words: straight short serve+irregular mid point femininity: ★★★

Interpretation of No. 4 "Cat Woman"'s charming hairstyle: It seems that it has been carefully decorated, but it seems that it has not been taken care of. The messy curly hair needs a lazy feeling. The hair color with sufficient sensitivity and the soft and pressing hair quality are the first impressive side and the primary attraction of femininity. Laziness is the source of lasting femininity. Small comment: The cat's attitude is often loveable, because of its fearless laziness and innocent but taken for granted eyes. If a woman can have the temperament like a cat, she must be charming and moving! Key words: gloss+messy femininity: ★★★★

No.5 Small face beauty is always attractive hairstyle annotation: the super long hair originally has the effect of shrinking cheeks. Full hair volume will make the visual range of the face more narrow. The fringe that slightly covers the eyebrow makes Shuiling's eyes noble and moving, and at the same time, it ingeniously shortens the face length. The hair color is unique cocoa, full of autumn flavor, it seems that the cold winter has never come. Xiao Bian Comments: Small face beauty seems to be an aesthetic trend that never goes out of style. This hairstyle strongly shows the attraction of small faces. The small face with "one hand in hand", even if it is filled with a less cheerful expression, will not damage your deepest feminine charm. Key words: full hair+super long hair+cocoa tawny femininity: ★★★

Shower and first clear 2024-05-10 06:28:19
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