
How to install the door closer?

Finally woke up with a smile
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Operation method

The door closer is a kind of spring like device installed on the door, which can cushion the door when closing, and can accurately and automatically close the door to its initial position, avoid rapid collision, and accurately control the position of the door. Generally, access control systems will use it. The application of door closers is very common, from the decoration of new houses to the installation of company doors. How to install the door closer correctly? First of all, the door closer should be installed in strict accordance with the instructions, according to the direction of the door opening. During installation, attention should be paid to the accuracy of the installation size, all kinds of screws should be firm, there should be no looseness, and it should be checked that each connection point should be flexible and free from friction with the door. We can open the door to the maximum to check whether the hinge arm of the door closer has friction with the door. Another thing to note is that the speed and force of the door closer are set at the normal state when leaving the factory. If adjustment is needed, the ideal state can be achieved through the speed valve and closing force. Finally, it should also be noted that after about 7 to 10 days of use, the door closer should be checked again to see if there is friction, and then the screws should be tightened and reinforced. Well, we have covered the installation skills of the door closer. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Finally woke up with a smile 2024-05-15 04:58:41
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