
Dietary taboos of herpes zoster

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Operation method

Avoid spicy and warm food TCM believes that the disease is caused by the accumulation of damp, heat, fire and toxin on the skin, so patients with the disease should avoid the spicy and hot food mentioned above; Wine, tobacco, ginger, chili, mutton, beef, fried food and other spicy and warm products are easy to help heat the fire after eating. Be careful to eat fatty meat, maltose, milk and sweet foods. Most of them are greasy, fat and sweet. It is easy to make the damp heat toxin of the disease not reach its connotation and make the disease lingering. Be careful about eating astringent and astringent products. The astringent and astringent products include peas, gorgon fruit, pomegranate, taro, spinach, etc. The astringent and astringent product is easy to block qi and blood. The evil poison will not go away and the pain will increase.

dawn 2024-05-02 17:45:38
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