
How to use Kujiale

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Kujiale - This is a decoration design software, which can be registered for free. Users can use Kujiale to quickly complete the drawing of flat and space maps of house types, obtain free house type feng shui reports and quotation lists, house type transformation, etc., which can meet the all-round needs of users. This software is suitable for the majority of design lovers and beginners to learn and use, Here is a small editor to introduce the Kujiale interface.

Operation method

Kujiale can register and log in with third-party software for free. After installing the software, the software icon is as follows:

The home page of Kujiale - you can browse the saved schemes of previous designs and carry out new designs. You can click to modify the previous designs if you want to modify them, or click New if you want to create new scenes.

Kujiale 3D cloud design - if you have the foundation, you can start to draw your own house type. If you need to draw your own house type, you can also search for the house type, such as wall thickness, door and window size, etc. This method is fast for beginners. After searching, you can achieve one click generation, fast generation, and import CAD drawings.

Kujiale model library - you can select the material form and material of furniture... just select the material to add;

Kujiale Video Tutorials - use the basic and advanced video tutorials of Kujiale. This tutorial allows users to learn by themselves.

Simple operation, suitable for 0 basic scholars to learn, faster than CAD drawing, can quickly draw and render 3D space effects. The effect is as follows:

hot tip

Autumn Ace Haze Moon

Unique rabbit 2024-05-25 19:10:04
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