
How to make potato and egg cakes

old but vigorous
Favorable reply

Although potatoes contain a lot of starch, we consume more energy to absorb potatoes, so potatoes are also good for weight loss. It is more nutritious with eggs and onions. This potato and egg cake is moderately salty, nutritious and suitable for all ages. It is a must for your breakfast.

Operation method

Peel and slice the potatoes, and flush the starch on the potato chips with water

Onion shredding; Break eggs with salt

Pour the oil into the pan and stir the potato chips until they are slightly yellow

Pour in shredded onion, stir fry until fragrant, sprinkle with pepper and salt and stir well.

Pour the egg liquid into the pan. Do not touch the pan, and fry it for two minutes at low heat

After the bottom of the egg cake is solidified and shaped, continue to heat it for about 2 minutes until the other side of the egg cake is also solidified and the cooking is completed

old but vigorous 2024-05-19 19:21:49
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