
How to improve personal influence?

Ten years of sword sharpening
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Honesty first, you need to be honest. If you say something, you must do it. Never mention it again after you say it. You must do it to improve your influence. People will believe you if they think you have done everything you said.

As a leader, we must be clear about rewards and punishments, so that we can have prestige. If only punishment, but no reward, it is easy to make subordinates feel very dissatisfied, which is not desirable. Only by being clear about rewards and punishments, can we improve our influence.

As a leader, we should be careful with the use of mandatory commands, which will cause great resentment to employees. After all, it is good to do many things according to reasonable requirements. If it is really unreasonable, as a leader, we should also consider for employees, so that employees can consciously do according to their own requirements, so as to improve their influence.

If you want to improve your influence by setting an example, you should learn to set an example, let your subordinates see how hard they are, let them know that they are also busy, so that they can be more motivated and improve their personal influence.

Ten years of sword sharpening 2024-04-21 23:10:47
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