
What Animal Endangered by Eating Anthocyanin

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The main endangered animal due to the consumption of pectin is sea cucumber. Sea cucumber is an important marine organism, which is widely used in food and drug manufacturing. Anthocyanin is a kind of food made from the body part of sea cucumber, which is popular because of its nourishing effect. However, due to the increasing demand for anthocyanins, many people began to illegally catch sea cucumbers in order to obtain more anthocyanins. This fishing behavior led to a sharp decline in the number of sea cucumbers, which seriously threatened the survival of sea cucumbers. If this continues, sea cucumbers are likely to be endangered.

In addition, the production process of pectin will also have an impact on other marine organisms. In order to obtain enough raw materials for the flower glue, fishermen often use large-scale trawling. This way will catch many other marine creatures, including turtles, sharks, whales, etc. These creatures are often unable to survive after being caught by mistake, leading to their number is also decreasing. Therefore, eating anthocyanins also indirectly led to the extinction of other marine organisms.

In short, eating anthocyanins poses a serious threat to the survival of sea cucumbers and other marine organisms. We should take measures to limit the demand and production of pectin and protect the living environment of marine organisms.

dawn 2024-04-18 04:00:19
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