
Postpartum diet taboo, confinement is suitable for recipes

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Postpartum diet taboo, confinement is suitable for recipes

Operation method

The monthly diet should be refined, miscellaneous, rare and soft. 2. The essence means that the amount should not be too much, and the maternal feeding should be moderate. If you are breast-feeding the baby, there is a lot of milk, and the amount of food can be slightly increased than during pregnancy, up to 1/5 of the amount; If your milk is just enough for your baby to eat, it can be the same as that during pregnancy. 2. Miscellaneous refers to the variety of food, and the meat and vegetable combination is very important; 3. Thin refers to the intake of more water, and the largest component of milk is water. You can drink more water, as well as various kinds of soup, milk, porridge, fruit and other food with more water. 4. Soft means the way food is cooked. It should be soft, and rice or noodles should be cooked soft.

Avoid cold, hot, salty, sour food and cold, cold and raw food, which is not conducive to the discharge of lochia and the removal of congestion. 2. Avoid spicy and irritant food, such as chili, which may aggravate the weakness of qi and blood and cause constipation. 3. Avoid eating astringent and astringent food, such as black plum, lotus seed, persimmon, pumpkin, etc., to avoid blocking the blood flow, which is not conducive to the discharge of lochia. 4. Avoid salty food, which may cause edema. However, we should not avoid salt because we have too much urine and sweat after childbirth. 5. Avoid hard and indigestible food, which may lead to indigestion. 6. Hunger and satiety: The gastrointestinal function of the puerpera is weak, and satiety will hinder their digestive function. After delivery, you should eat less and more meals, 5-6 times a day. Beauty stole 200000 gold

In the first week after delivery, mainly "platoon". Since the hormone level in the body has dropped significantly, and the body has lost blood due to excessive gas consumption, the first meal after childbirth should be easy to digest and nutritious liquid food, such as boiled eggs in sugar water, boiled egg flower soup, lotus root powder, etc. Wait until the next day to eat some soft food. For 5-7 days after delivery, rice porridge, soft rice, rotten noodles, egg soup, etc. should be the staple food. Don't eat too much greasy things, such as chicken, pig's feet, etc. If it is a caesarean section, we should pay attention to these four points: Do not eat eggs and milk within a week to avoid flatulence; Avoid greasy food; Avoid foods with deep pigment to avoid scar color deposition; Avoid stimulating foods such as coffee, tea, pepper and wine

In the second week after delivery, "tune" is mainly used. After the first week, the appetite of the parturient should be significantly improved. At this time, you can start to eat as much blood tonic food as possible to regulate your qi and blood. Apples, pears and bananas can alleviate constipation and are rich in iron. Animal viscera are also rich in vitamins. They are perfect vitamin supplements and blood tonics. For example, sesame oil fried pig heart, jujube pig foot peanut soup, fish flavored pig liver, etc., adding a little medlar, yam, poria cocos, etc. is also a good recipe for enriching blood and vitamins. At the same time, they can also start feeding and lactation. After all, most mothers insist on breastfeeding their newborn babies.

In the third week after delivery, "supplement" is mainly used. You can choose a lactation recipe and start feeding at the same time. After the "excretion" in the first week and the "contraction" in the second week, you can start to eat the best recuperating products for postpartum physical strength from the third week, and start to nurse. You can add some foods with high calories, such as chicken, ribs, pig feet, etc. At the same time, the crucian carp soup, pig's paw and papaya soup, Tongcao fish soup, etc. Although the monthly diet should not be cold, it is OK to eat some fruits properly. You can choose mild apples, oranges, etc. Fruits can not only supplement vitamin C and cellulose that meat and eggs lack, but also promote appetite, help digestion and defecation, and prevent postpartum constipation. Beauty stole 200000 gold

In the fourth week after delivery, "feeding" is the main way. After the discharge, adjustment and compensation in the first three weeks, it is now time for the puerpera to take good care of their health. At this time, toxins and lochia have basically been discharged. At this time, you can choose more warm food. For example, sesame oil chicken, stewed pig feet with dates, etc. At the same time, you can choose more fresh vegetables. Cellulose in vegetables can not only help new mothers to promote appetite and prevent postpartum constipation, but also absorb harmful substances in the intestines and promote toxin excretion. In addition, a large amount of vitamins in vegetables are also good for new mothers' mental recovery and avoiding depression. It is worth recommending soybean sprouts, lotus roots, carrots, edible fungi, etc. Beauty stole 200000 gold

In addition to the normal "discharge, regulation, supplement and maintenance", many pregnant women will have various discomfort during the month. This is because they have experienced the loss of childbirth, which is very easy to cause women's "qi deficiency" and "blood deficiency", resulting in postpartum edema, lochia, postpartum insomnia, anemia, constipation and weakness. During the puerpera's confinement period, the body immunity is poor, and the newborn is still nursing. It is better not to use drugs to regulate these uncomfortable symptoms, but to choose an appropriate diet, while dietotherapy gradually alleviates the symptoms.

Affected by traditional habits, it is not suitable for pregnant women to eat raw and cold food when they are in confinement. Therefore, some pregnant women dare not even eat fruit. In fact, we encourage people to eat fruits properly during the month. Since a large amount of nutrients are needed to help the body recover quickly after childbirth, it is more important to emphasize a diversified diet and a balanced diet, which includes encouraging the intake of a certain amount of fruit.

The confinement is a special period, so the diet during this period is very exquisite. It is not recommended to eat vegetables and fruits in the first week after delivery, hot vegetables in the second week and fruits in the third week. Vegetables that can be used by the puerpera include: kale, carrot, spinach, red amaranth, green pepper, tomato, hair sprout, red chicken, Sichuan seven, Korean cuisine, etc.

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I wish you all good health

Like a besieged city 2024-05-20 17:31:26
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