
Jedi Survival cannot enter the game after updating

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Operation method

First of all, the first solution is to check whether the computer memory is enough. Many times the game will occupy more memory after updating. At this time, if the computer memory is not enough, there is no way to open the game. At this time, you just need to clean up some unnecessary software or garbage in the computer.

Secondly, if your computer has enough memory, you can try to restart the computer for a long time, and then restart the computer, and enter the Manager to close some background running programs, and then reopen the game.

Then, another way is to log in to the game, but nothing is displayed on the page, which may cause a blank screen. At this time, it is likely that there is a network problem, and you need to recheck the network and connect.

Finally, it may be that you can normally choose to open the game, but the game interface has not been able to pop up. At this time, you need to install a repair tool on the computer to run normally.

Minor maturity 2024-04-21 03:32:35
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Q: How to hang worms when fishing with sand worms

A: Hook method: put the red worm in the plate, hold the hook handle with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, the hook tip is downward, hang it from outside to inside for several times, and more than 10 red worms will be hung on the fish hook. However, the red worm is not firmly hung by this hook method, so the rod throwing action should be light when lowering the hook to avoid the red worm falling off in the air. After the nematode enters the water, do not move the hook, because the red worm keeps crawling, and some are no longer on the hook. But this does not affect fishing, because carp and crucian carp often eat the hook together with the red worm. The hook method can be divided into two types: one is to hook a single hook to catch small fish. You can use a small hook to hang a red worm. The second is multiple hooks, and 3-4 red worms are hung on the hooks.

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