
Signs of Neolithic Age

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The Neolithic Age is one of the earliest civilization periods in human history, and its appearance marks the progress and development of human society. The following are the signs of the Neolithic Age:

1. Progress of stone tools: In the Neolithic Age, people began to use more sophisticated stone tools, such as stone axes, stone hammers, stone knives, etc. The production technology of these tools has also been improved, enabling people to hunt, collect and process food more efficiently.

2. The rise of agriculture: In the Neolithic Age, people began to use agricultural production methods to plant crops such as grains, vegetables and fruits, which enabled people to obtain more stable and abundant food sources.

3. The emergence of settled life: With the rise of agriculture, human beings began to settle in fixed places, build houses, store food, etc. This settled life also promoted the development and progress of society.

4. Production of pottery: People in the Neolithic Age began to make pottery. This new material makes it easier for people to store and cook food, and also provides more possibilities for the development of human society.

5. The emergence of social organizations: In the Neolithic Age, human beings began to form tribes and clans, and established certain social organizations and order, which also laid the foundation for the progress and development of human society.

In short, the symbol of the Neolithic Age is the transformation of human society from hunting and gathering to agricultural settlement, and the progress and development of technology and social organizations.

Richard's Home 2024-04-20 21:18:54
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