
How to crack the blackout of mobile phone number

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How to crack the black mobile phone number? Xiao Bian will introduce the method to crack the blackout of mobile phone numbers.

Operation method

I believe that sometimes many people's mobile phones will be blackened by their friends. No matter whether the other person is intentional or unintentional, you will want to ask why the other person blackened you. So what's the solution?

Of course, the most direct way is to find someone else's mobile phone, and then dial the other person's mobile phone number. When the other person sees a strange phone, he will usually answer it. Then you can ask him.

Another way is to send a text message to him. Although he is blackmailed and cannot make a phone call, the message can be sent and the other party can receive it.

The way not to be blackmailed is not to rush to death and do anything harmful to the other party. The other party will not blackmail you and there will be no cracking.

rose 2024-05-26 14:15:56
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