
How to make web pages How to make web pages

The garden is scented with flowers
Favorable reply

Operation method

First, we must establish the basic framework of a page, determine the fixed elements first, and leave some blank editing areas for some changing elements.

On the menu bar, open Insert - Template Object - Create Template.

Rename your web template. To create a page template, you must first create a website.

Position the mouse cursor where the editing area needs to be inserted, and then open Insert - Template Object - Editable Area in the menu bar.

After the editable area is established, you can directly enter the corresponding content in it, most of which need to be updated constantly. Then you can directly save the template with CTRL+S. The format of the web page template is. dwt.

To use a web page template, you can open File New Page in Template in the menu bar, select the newly renamed template and reference it directly.

After selecting the template, we can also add pictures to the page.

You can also add hyperlinks to the page.

Of course, tables can also be used.

The garden is scented with flowers 2024-05-02 02:33:15
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Latest answers Change


Q: What's the sign of shoelaces always open

Answer: The shoelace that has just been tied is loosened after taking two steps or running two steps. I believe that many people have encountered such troubles in life. But have you thought about why? Recently, someone specialized in this research, and finally got the answer! I really don't blame you for not fastening! In order to uncover the principle of this phenomenon, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, used high-speed sports cameras to take a video of another researcher running on a treadmill in running shoes. In fact, if you slow down the video, you can see the whole process of shoelace loosening. The researchers installed an accelerometer on the shoe tongue to measure the change of force acting on the knot. They found that when people walked, the combined impact and acceleration on a shoelace amounted to 7 G, almost equal to the gravitational acceleration suffered by the Apollo spacecraft when it reentered the earth's atmosphere. When the sole of the foot touches the ground, the force on the shoelace is very large, resulting in the deformation of the shoelace. Further experiments show that simply stamping your feet up and down is not enough to loosen the shoelace knot, and so is swinging back and forth. The swinging motion of the shoelace also adds additional force. The two forces interlace to loosen the shoelace knot. With the change of force direction, the shoelace continues to be pulled, and this repeated impact will eventually lead to the loosening of the shoelace knot. The researchers also said that this research involves a wide range of physical mechanics, and they are also experimenting with different knotting methods and different forces applied to shoelaces. They hope to produce shoelaces that won't loosen themselves in the future. However, this kind of research is not boring. The researchers said that this research was not only limited to tying shoelaces, but also could apply the principle to surgical suture and other fields. In addition, it may help to make stronger fibers, and even solve the mystery of why deep-sea optical cables become tangled and broken.

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