
How to cut watermelon? It's beautiful and convenient

the elderly
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There are many ways to cut watermelons. The following is an easy way to make watermelons look good and convenient.

1. Prepare tools: a sharp knife and a big bowl.

2. Put the watermelon on the cutting board and cut it in half with a knife.

3. Start from one side, slowly cut the knife downward along the edge of the watermelon until the whole watermelon is cut in half.

4. Place half of the watermelon on the cutting board and cut it into several large pieces.

5. Cut each large piece into smaller pieces again, and the size depends on the individual taste.

6. Put the cut watermelon into a large bowl and repeat the above steps until all watermelons are cut into pieces.

7. Put the watermelon in the big bowl into the refrigerator to keep cool and fresh.

The above method is a simple and easy way to cut watermelon, which can make the cut watermelon look beautiful and convenient. The cut watermelon pieces can be eaten directly, and can also be used to make watermelon salad, watermelon juice and other delicacies.

the elderly 2024-04-21 21:50:21
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