
How to get tera activation code

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Operation method

Tera is a 3D online game developed by Bluehole Studio in South Korea and operated by NHN. The game uses unique technology to simulate the game fight. Whether it is the strength, direction, distance of the attack, or the degree of damage, it emphasizes the presentation of realism.

Official website number issuing and T-coin exchange activities

52PK GameKing forwards activation code to Weibo

766 network extracts activation code once a day

17173 Vote to win activation code

Win activation code by answering key questions of video bus

Happy Stars 2024-05-16 13:20:00
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Q: How to calculate the additional tax on cars

A: It is decided to adjust the auto consumption tax policy from September 1, 2008. Specifically, the first is to increase the consumption tax rate of large displacement passenger cars. The tax rate of passenger cars with an exhaust volume of more than 3.0L to 4.0L (including 4.0L) will be increased from 15% to 25%, and the tax rate of passenger cars with an exhaust volume of more than 4.0L will be increased from 20% to 40%; The second is to reduce the consumption tax rate of small displacement passenger cars. For passenger cars with an exhaust volume of less than or equal to 1.0 liter, the tax rate will be reduced from 3% to 1%. Consumption tax rate of passenger car exhaust volume (before adjustment) Consumption tax rate (after adjustment) below 1.0L (including 1.0L) 3% 1% 1.0L (including) to 2.2L 5% 2.2L (including) to 3.0L 9% 9% 3.0L above to 4.0L (including 4.0L) 15% 25% 4.0L above 20% 40%

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