
How to save raw water chestnut

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Raw water chestnut is a common fruit. The preservation method is as follows:

1. Cleaning: Clean the water chestnut with clean water to remove impurities and soil on the surface.

2. Scalding: blanch the cleaned water chestnut in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then remove it and put it into ice water to cool, so as to remove the fuzz and whiskers on the surface of the water chestnut.

3. Drying: put the blanched water chestnut in a ventilated place to dry, and then proceed to the next step after the surface water evaporates completely.

4. Packaging: put the dried water chestnut into the fresh-keeping bag, squeeze out the air in the bag as much as possible, and then seal the mouth tightly.

5. Cold storage: put the packed water chestnut into the refrigerator for cold storage. The storage time is usually 1-2 weeks.

6. Freezing: If it needs to be stored for a long time, the water chestnut can be put into a sealed bag and stored in the refrigerator freezer for several months.

It should be noted that the raw water chestnut should be protected from moisture and heat to avoid deterioration. At the same time, the storage time should not be too long, so as not to affect the taste and nutrition.

The goddess who once worked as a hooligan is the most charming 2024-04-21 05:36:26
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