
What should girls pay attention to when they come to their regular holidays?

What's the pain
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Girls have uncomfortable days every month? During the holiday, everyone has different symptoms. Some people have a feeling of tightness in their stomachs, while others have pain and vomiting. So what should girls pay attention to in the special days of each month? Keeping warm is the first thing, especially the first two days of my first aunt's arrival. Now let's talk about the female students' regular holidays in detail and what things to pay attention to.

1、 Keep warm

The most important thing for girls to keep warm in the days when they come for their regular holidays, especially in winter, is that they can't touch cold water. Especially when the cold wind blows, they feel even more pain in their stomachs. If it's summer, you can't take a cold shower.

There are many ways to keep warm. You can drink some brown sugar ginger water properly. After drinking it, you will feel warm and comfortable in your stomach. A cup of warm milk at night is not only helpful to sleep, but also helpful to keep warm.

It's also a good choice to apply a hot water bag. Especially in winter, you can put a hot water bag on your stomach, which can relieve pain (it may be an illusion, but I think it's not so painful). The whole person is warm.

2、 Hard to work out

Don't do strenuous exercise these days. On the one hand, it will lead to too much exercise and discomfort. On the other hand, it is easy to get backache in these special days, so it is better not to do heavy physical work.

If you are a student, you can explain the situation to the teacher quietly in the physical education class these days. For example, you should not take part in the intense activities such as running and playing basketball. Just watch it carefully.

3、 Keep clean

It's very important to keep clean these days when my aunt comes here. It's better to take a bath every day instead of a tub bath. It's better to take a shower because the tub bath can prevent bacteria from surrounding.

4、 Choose a suitable aunt towel

I believe that every girl has her favorite aunt towel, from long to short, from thin to thick, especially in summer, if you choose a thinner one, you will feel refreshing. Which brand of aunt towel is better? Xiao Bian will not introduce more. After all, radish and cabbage have their own preferences. You can try several more, and choose the most suitable one. It is important to be clean and comfortable.

5、 Keep your mood happy

It's easy to be irritable and angry these days, so it's important to keep a pleasant mood. You can listen to more relaxed and cheerful songs, or watch comedy TV, which is a favorite way for Xiaobian to keep a good mood and feel less miserable.

6、 Pay attention to diet

Don't eat spicy fried food these days. Oily food will increase the burden on the skin. It is easy to have acne, dark circles under the eyes, and the skin will get worse. At the same time, due to the slow metabolism of fat and water during the holiday period, fried food will become fat.

Secondly, don't eat food with heavy taste, such as spicy and salty food. Too salty food is easy to cause headache, anger and other symptoms. Spicy and stimulating food is easy to make people sensitive and increase their pain.

7、 Don't drink

Drinking alcohol during menstruation is a big taboo, because the hormone secretion is unbalanced these days, and drinking alcohol at this time is easy to get drunk, which also brings a great burden to the liver. Even if it is a work party, you should avoid it without drinking, or even drink less. If you drink alcohol these days, it will do great harm to your body.

hot tip

1. These days are really important. You should learn to protect yourself~

2. Good rest, good mood, no worries

What's the pain 2024-05-17 01:04:18
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