
How to make delicious green peppers and carrots with bergamot?

Love is like a dream when you are young
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Operation method

Prepare a bergamot, some green peppers, some carrots, and put them on a plate after washing.

Peel and flesh the bergamot melon, cut it into pieces, and put it on a plate for standby; Cut the green pepper into small pieces; Rub some carrots into shreds and put them on a plate for standby.

Put a proper amount of oil in the wok, heat the oil, put garlic slices into the wok, stir fry until fragrant, then pour green peppers into the wok, stir fry evenly.

Pour the prepared bergamot into the pot and stir well.

Pour shredded carrots into a pot and stir fry with other ingredients.

Add proper amount of salt, chicken essence and five spice powder according to your taste, and mix well.

Add some light soy sauce to add color, and then add a little water to prevent sticking to the pan. Stir fry for about two minutes, and add some aged vinegar to freshen up.

After frying, it can be eaten out of the pot and put on a plate. Everyone in the family says it is delicious, and friends who like it can also try it.

Love is like a dream when you are young 2024-04-17 23:03:33
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