
What majors have good employment prospects in 2017 college entrance examination

Morning rain and dew
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Professional game designers of game design are in great demand in China's game industry. Now many people like to play mobile games and large-scale online games, which has promoted the development of the game industry. Many game companies are thirsty for talents, but China's game development reserve talents are seriously insufficient. Therefore, the employment development prospect of game design is very good.

Finance has always been a major in great social demand. No matter what company, accounting is indispensable. If it can enter the four major accounting firms, the development prospect is not generally large. The salary is also considerable. Certified public accountants and senior accountants are urgently needed in the country at present. Compared with other professions, finance has always been one of the major professions with high income.

There is a shortage of new-type financial talents in finance. Many people want to get into banks and securities houses. The job is not only decent, but also highly paid. It is a high paid industry. More and more people attach importance to investment and financing. The financial industry has a good development prospect.

Many parents of teachers' majors pay more and more attention to education in order to keep their children at the starting line. Normal majors are very popular, and teachers are more respected and have a higher social status than other majors. In recent years, the employment of graduates majoring in teacher education is in short supply, and schools are also short of teachers. It can be seen from this that graduates of teachers' majors are basically not worried about finding jobs. So it's wise to choose normal majors.

With the increasing foreign trade in China, the demand for foreign language talents is increasing, and the employment prospect is very optimistic. You can choose English or small languages. After graduation, you can enter a foreign enterprise. The general welfare of the foreign enterprise is very good. You can also do foreign trade, translation, or be a foreign language teacher. Wages are also quite considerable.

With the popularization of the Internet, software engineers have become more and more popular. People in modern life have become inseparable from the Internet, and network talents will become more and more popular. Enterprises are in urgent need of software engineers, and many excellent software engineers are highly paid, so it is possible to become millionaires or even billionaires.

In recent years, more and more criminals have used computer networks for various illegal acts. There are countless computer viruses. The network security system of our country is still relatively fragile, leaving opportunities for hackers and posing a great threat to network security. Therefore, the network security specialty will become more and more important and have a good future.

With the rise and development of We Media, many people in the news media profession have been able to earn tens of thousands of monthly salaries, or even millions of annual salaries, through the We Media platform. We Media is becoming an emerging industry with more and more platforms and more and more competition. Therefore, there is an urgent need for professional media personnel. If we can become the contracted author of these platforms, our income will be considerable, and we can work freely at home.

Morning rain and dew 2024-05-06 17:51:15
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