
Homemade Rice Cake

A shining red star
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The self-made rice cake is made of rice and a small amount of glutinous rice flour to make a sweet white cake. It is very sweet, smooth and delicious. Let's share its practice with you.

Operation method

Soak rice overnight.

Then place the beater, add a bowl of water to make rice paste, and pour it onto the plate.

Add 30g glutinous rice flour and proper amount of sugar, and mix well. [Glutinous rice flour is mainly used to make it sticky]

The dishes were thoroughly oiled.

Then pour the rice paste onto the plate, place it in the pot and steam it over high heat for about 25 minutes.

Then take it out, cool it, pour it onto the plate, cut it into pieces, and it can be used.

A shining red star 2024-05-16 13:35:25
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