
How to make fried dumplings How to make fried dumplings

shiny boy
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Operation method

First mix the flour and yeast with water and mix them evenly

Then knead the dough with your hands to make it smooth and place it for a while to wake up

Clean pork and chop it into meat

Then add proper amount of salt, soy sauce MSG, scallion and ginger powder into the meat filling, and mix well

Divide the awakened dough into small ones and roll them with a rolling pin into a round cake

Then put some meat stuffing on the dough to make fried dumplings

Put a little oil cake into the pot and mix well

Then place the steamed buns on the top and steam them. When the bottom of the steaming pot dries quickly, pour proper amount of flour and water into the pot, continue to cover the pot and simmer for a while

After the fried bun is steamed, sprinkle some scallions on it and serve.

shiny boy 2024-05-02 11:13:28
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Q: How sour is the yeast fermented corn

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