
A Collection of Homely Methods of Cold Mixed Lotus Root Slices

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Operation method

First of all, we will prepare the ingredients, including two lotus roots, a moderate amount of ginger and garlic. I have prepared soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, edible salt, chili oil, and chicken powder.

Then peel the lotus root, clean the sludge inside, and cut it into thin pieces for standby. The thinner the cut, the better. Chop ginger and garlic.

Put a proper amount of cold water into the pot. After the water boils, pour in the cut lotus root and boil it for 1 minute. Then take it out and pour it into the cold water to flush it into the water to control the moisture.

Pour the cut lotus root, ginger and garlic into a bowl, add some soy sauce, aged vinegar, edible salt, sugar, pepper oil, and stir well.

Over the years 2024-04-20 23:44:37
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