
How to identify Aspergillus flavus in rice

Allure Homme
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Aspergillus flavus is a common mold that can grow on rice. When rice is polluted by Aspergillus flavus, it will produce toxins, which will pose a threat to human health. Therefore, it is very important to identify whether there is Aspergillus flavus in rice.

Here are some ways to identify whether there is Aspergillus flavus in rice:

1. Observation of appearance: rice polluted by Aspergillus flavus usually has some obvious changes. For example, some black, green or white spots or mold may appear on the surface of rice, or the rice may become yellow. If these changes are found, it should be suspected that the rice is contaminated by Aspergillus flavus.

2. Smell: Rice polluted by Aspergillus flavus usually has a peculiar smell. If the rice has a musty, sour or smelly smell, it should be suspected that the rice is contaminated by Aspergillus flavus.

3. Check the packaging: When buying rice, you should carefully check the packaging. If there is obvious mildew on the package or there is odor in the package, it should be suspected that the rice is contaminated by Aspergillus flavus.

4. Use of test paper: There is an aflatoxin test paper on the market, which can be used to detect whether rice is contaminated by aflatoxin. The method of use is to put the test paper into some rice, and then observe the change of the test paper. If the test paper changes color, it means that the rice is contaminated by Aspergillus flavus.

In conclusion, it is necessary to observe and smell carefully to identify whether there is Aspergillus flavus in rice, and pay attention to selecting formal channels and brands when purchasing to ensure the quality and safety of rice. If it is suspected that the rice is contaminated by Aspergillus flavus, it should be treated or discarded in time.

Allure Homme 2024-04-17 20:40:55
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