
What are the benefits of washing your face with toothpaste?

Misty rain passers-by
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Operation method

Washing your face with toothpaste has certain benefits for acne, and can also reduce the greasy skin. Generally, allergy will not occur, and it needs to vary from person to person.

Toothpaste washing can also reduce inflammation. Toothpaste has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects, and also contains pearl powder to whiten. However, it should be noted that the toothpaste should not stay on the face for too long when used. After applying it and massaging it for a few minutes, it should be washed off to prevent it from making your pores thicker.

Toothpaste can whiten your face. If you go out to play and get sunburnt, you can use toothpaste to wash your face.

Although toothpaste can help the face, it should not be used frequently. Long term use of it is bad for the stratum corneum.

Misty rain passers-by 2024-04-16 04:47:16
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