
Should I take the postgraduate entrance exam?! What are the directions of postgraduate entrance examination for English majors?

Old Gun
Favorable reply

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In fact, for an undergraduate English major, the future employment prospects are not very good. Whether it is engaged in teachers or other industries, the educational level is still not up to the requirements, so it is necessary for English majors to take postgraduate examinations

There are many directions for taking the postgraduate entrance examination in English, and the most popular one is international news. After all, international news requires not only your ability to do news, but also a good level of English, so it is a good choice for taking the postgraduate entrance examination in English

In addition, the direction of simultaneous interpretation should be mentioned. I believe you have a certain understanding of it. Moreover, the future development prospects of the graduate students in this major are very good, and it will involve many industries in the future

The last thing I want to say is international business English. I believe you are not unfamiliar with this. In many large enterprises, we need to cooperate with foreign enterprises, which can not be separated from business English, and all aspects of future employment are also very good

Old Gun 2024-04-15 10:13:24
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