
How to get the challenge title of Dungeon and Warrior Dragon into the title spectrum

When I become excellent
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How can I get the challenge title of Dungeon and Warrior Dragon from the title spectrum? The title of Dragon Challenge was obtained through the DNF Spring Festival gift package. How can the title of Dungeon and Warrior Dragon Challenge be obtained from the title spectrum? Today I would like to share my operation with you.

Operation method

Enter the game: Dungeons and Warriors, click the equipment bar.

Then click the title book in the equipment bar.

Click the activity bar again to see the title of Dragon Challenge you put in before.

Right click the Dragon Challenge title to take it out.

However, if it is a task title, it cannot be taken out.

The attribute of the title of Dragon Challenger is quite good. It is recommended to keep it for your own use.

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For reference only!

When I become excellent 2024-05-21 03:27:12
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