
What will a smart woman do after a husband and wife quarrel

Learn to forget
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In daily life, even couples with deep feelings will quarrel, and it is inevitable that they will quarrel after decades of living together. Even if there are couples who do not quarrel, it is rare. In fact, it's not terrible after a quarrel. The key is how you deal with it. Faced with this problem, let's see what smart women will do.

Operation method

After a quarrel, a smart woman will not have a cold war with a man, because this will not solve the problems between the two people, and will make everyone's feelings gradually fade.

A smart woman will not ignore her husband after a quarrel, but will gently find a step for a man and give him a step down, so that the two people will not always look at each other and get angry with each other.

It is said that one should not reveal one's ugliness. When you have a quarrel, a smart woman will not talk to anyone, and how badly she talks about her husband. In this way, if your husband knows what he will think, it will be more humiliating to him, and your feelings will be more split.

A smart woman will not pack her bags and run away from home after a quarrel, which is a threat to a man. Maybe he wanted to make up with you and try to coax you. If you do, he will rebel even more and do not want to make up with you.

It will not be violent. If you do this, men will feel that they have no dignity, and they will not yearn for your married life, nor want to live with you.

Smart women will not easily say the word "divorce" at this time, so once they say it, it will be difficult to look back, so when fighting, think calmly about whether to do so.

hot tip

At ordinary times, try to reduce friction and create a harmonious life.

Learn to forget 2024-05-26 13:23:13
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Q: What are the hazards of alcohol to the body

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