
How to eat Job's tears best?

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There are many effects of Job's tears, how to eat Job's tears to maximize its efficacy? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a look~

Lemon barley water

Ingredients: 100 grams of Job's tears and lemon. Efficacy: It is beneficial to clearing heat, diuresis, edema, moisture, whitening and weight loss. Preparation: Soak job's tears in the pool for one night, then add water in the pot and boil it (the water volume must be twice that of job's tears), boil it for 2 hours over medium low heat, until the clear water turns milky white and a little sticky, then it can be eaten. Eating job's tears like this in summer can give full play to the greatest effect of job's tears.

Job's tears and ginkgo soup

Ingredients: 150g Job's tears, 20 ginkgo (shelled) Efficacy: It can cure spleen strengthening and dehumidification, heat clearing and detoxification, diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, phlegm and asthma and other problems. Preparation: soak the job's tears in the pool for one night, then put the job's tears and ginkgo together in the pot and boil them with water (the water volume must be twice that of the job's tears), boil them over low heat for 2 hours, until the water turns milky white and a little sticky, and then you can eat them.

Congee with Job's tears, green beans and lily

Ingredients: 180 grams of job's tears, 150 grams of mung beans, 60 grams of lily Efficacy: It can be used to treat small freckles, hemorrhoids, eczema, and fire on women's faces. It is suitable for adolescent girls or middle-aged women. Preparation: Soak job's tears in the pool for one night, then put job's tears, green beans and lilies into the pot and boil them together with water (the water volume must be twice that of job's tears), boil them over medium low heat for 1 and a half hours, until the water turns milky white and a little sticky, and then you can eat them. Hot glutinous rice can be eaten often, which helps women keep their youth forever.

Milk Coix Rice Noodles

Ingredients: 200g milk, 150g job's tears Efficacy: It is good for defecation, whitening and slimming. Preparation: grind job's tears to a fine powder, mix with hot milk, and serve. (The weight of Job's tears cannot exceed that of milk)


There are many ways to eat Job's tears. Different ways to eat Job's tears have different effects. Coix barley is a good thing, but it should not be eaten too much. You must eat it according to your own needs in order to maximize its effectiveness~

Indifferent Enron 2024-05-08 20:22:59
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