
Illustration of correct method of rubbing abdomen

A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side
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Correct method of kneading abdomen

Push the four fingers of both hands together under the ribs, place them beside the xiphoid process on the same side, and push them along the quarterly ribs for 0.5-1 minutes to regulate the stomach, regulate qi and relieve pain.

Place the palm of the left hand on the back of the right hand and the palm of the right hand on the upper abdomen, and rub it clockwise for 0.5-1 minutes with moderate force. It is better to heat the upper abdomen. It can widen the chest and regulate qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Directly push the midline of abdomen, fold the palm of the left hand on the back of the right hand, and stick the palm of the right hand under the xiphoid process. Push it down from the lower xiphoid process along the midline of abdomen to the navel with moderate force. Repeat the operation for 0.5-1 minutes, preferably with abdominal fever, which can help to accumulate, guide stagnation, relieve constipation, and reduce qi.

Squeeze the abdominal muscles. Put the thumbs of both hands and the other four fingers together. Squeeze the muscles on both sides of the midline of the abdomen, from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen, and repeatedly pinch for 1-3 minutes. It can regulate and neutralize the stomach, tonify the kidney and absorb qi.

Place the left palm around the navel on the back of the right hand, stick the palm of the right hand under the navel, and gently circle the navel clockwise to rub the abdomen for 1-3 minutes, preferably with abdominal fever. It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and yang, harmonizing the stomach and regulating the intestines.

Place the middle fingers of both hands beside the umbilicus separately, push them to the waist on both sides with moderate force, and repeat for 1-3 minutes, preferably with abdominal fever. It can play the role of dispelling accumulation, guiding stagnation, purging the internal organs and purging heat.

Push the outside of the abdomen. Place your hands on the outside of the abdomen on the same side. Push the palm root down from the quarter rib to the thigh root. Repeat for 1 minute to strengthen the spleen and stomach, accumulate and guide stagnation.

A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side 2024-05-23 15:12:22
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