
Do you want to bring the spray pressure tank to the plane or check it in

Favorable reply

According to the regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the spray pressure tank can be taken on the aircraft as checked baggage or carry on items. However, the following points should be noted:

1. If the spray pressure tank contains flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive or other dangerous substances, it must comply with the relevant provisions of the International Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations (IATA DGR), carry out special packaging and marking, and must be approved by the airline before being consigned or carried on the aircraft.

2. If the spray pressure tank is a carry on item, it must comply with the provisions of the airline, such as capacity limit, loading position, inflation pressure, etc. In general, the liquid capacity cannot exceed 100ml, the gas capacity cannot exceed 500ml, and the inflation pressure cannot exceed 100 Pascal (1.45 pounds/square inch).

3. The spray pressure tank must pass the safety inspection, cannot be carried in hand baggage, and must be placed in checked baggage. In checked baggage, the spray pressure tank needs to be placed in the explosion-proof bag, and the explosion-proof bag needs to be placed on the top of the luggage box, so that the security personnel can check.

In short, if the spray pressure tank meets the relevant regulations, it can be taken on the aircraft as checked baggage or carry on items. However, it is necessary to pay attention to safety regulations to avoid danger to flights and passengers. It is recommended to know the regulations of the airline in advance before taking a flight, so as to pass the security check and board successfully.

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